
你們當挺身昂首 (選摘自2011.3.25末世使女Sis. Gwen禱告信)

 譯:金幼竹(Bambi Wright)






禮拜三的時候﹐我們的旅行團才離開以色列二十四小時﹐就有恐怖分子將一枚炸彈藏在紙袋﹐遺留在耶路撒冷的一個靠近特會中心的巴士站裡﹐那個巴士站離開我們旅行團所住的領館只有步行十分鐘的距離﹐三十九個人被炸傷﹐有的人傷得極其嚴重﹐其中有一人死亡。我們後來得知﹐死亡的是一位英國女學生﹐名叫瑪利.珍.加德納(Mary Jane Gardner)﹐我們所知道的是﹐她是一位聖經翻譯﹐她已經把新約翻譯成非洲的多哥語文(Togo)﹐這回她是到以色列進修希伯來文﹐為的是可以完成舊約的翻譯。這次的爆炸事件是2004年以來﹐耶路撒冷又一次的受到恐怖份子的重大攻擊。


我們週圍有許多國家在暴動不安之中﹐敘利亞﹑約旦﹑巴林﹑葉門﹑突尼西亞﹑伊朗境內都在示威衝突﹐而埃及到現在仍然有不少混亂的問題。這個禮拜﹐我們收到在埃及同工的來信﹐要我們為他們禱告﹐因為﹐原來埃及人民所要求自由和民主的革命﹐現在已經發展成對基督徒的迫害了﹐而埃及今年九月要舉行的選舉﹐很可能使穆斯林教的『沙里亞法條Sharia Law』(註1)被強迫實行在他們的社會和民眾當中。《末世使女僕人》的克里斯.米歇爾(Chris Mitchell)在禮拜三下午參加了我們在『和平之屋(House of Peace)』的禱告﹐他向我們見證﹐當開羅的示威從和平轉向危險的那段時間﹐他所所見到的種種光景。我們親愛的弟兄﹐凱斯.懷勒(Keith Wheeler)將在四月一日飛到開羅﹐從那裡開車到亞歷山大城﹐然後﹐扛著十字架向西步行到利比亞﹐請你們在禱告中紀念他(註2)。



我將會在德國柏林連續事奉五天﹐從三月三十日禮拜三到四月三日禮拜天。聯絡人是《耶路撒冷之家》的安德斯.褒爾牧師和他的妻子阿德海蒂﹐地址是Berlin ·Spreeufer 5 ·10178 Berlin.電話﹕ 0049-30-28389144﹐若需要知道交通資訊﹐請電郵到 e-mail



Sister Gwen


註1﹕Sharia Law 沙里亞法是伊斯蘭教根據穆罕默德教導的『基本誡命』﹐從有關潔淨的細節到婚姻大事都有他們特殊的規條﹐但是﹐常常因地區的派別而有所分別。今天﹐在伊斯蘭教國家的沙里亞法統治之下﹐最明顯的社會形態是婦女沒有自己的自由﹐婚姻完全操縱在父兄的手裡﹐每一個男人可以有四個太太﹐丈夫可以用體罰『約束』自己的妻子﹐如果父兄認為家中有女眷『丟臉』﹐他們可以自行『解決』。(譯者按)在美國﹐已經有好幾宗案子﹐是伊斯蘭教父親﹐因認為女兒自由戀愛有辱他的名譽﹐而親手殺死女兒的事件。



 Luke 21:28  "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."


Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


We are living in the days of fulfillment of Matthew 24 and Luke 21. So much has happened since the beginning of this year it is almost impossible to keep up with all the facts. Since we left home on March 1st, there have been 3 catastrophes in Japan- the earthquakes (which are still continuing and in other places around the world, including Arkansas) the tsunami, and the damage of the nuclear power plant on the east coast of Japan (all six reactors which still have not been brought under control). The earthquake, rating 9.0, left 23,000 people dead or missing. Water in Tokyo, 250 kilometers (about 155 miles) from the plant, has tested to be more than twice the safe level for consumption. The population in Tokyo is 13 million people. (Please see the latest report from our ETH Ruth who is serving in Japan later in this prayer letter).

And though our tour was peaceful, all around us there were people that were suffering because of terrorist strikes against Israel. On Saturday, March 12th, in the early hours of the morning when it was still dark in the Samaria region, a family was attacked by unknown assailants and the father, mother, and three children were left for dead. A boy and his sister were not harmed. They are living with their grandparents now.

On Wednesday of this week, just 24 hours after the last of our tour group left Israel, a terrorist left a bomb in a brown bag near one of the bus stops in Jerusalem by the Convention Center. This bus stop was only about a ten-minute walk from where our group stayed in Jerusalem. There were 39 people injured, some critically, and there was one casualty in that bombing - a British student, Mary Jane Gardner. We were told that she had translated the New Testament into the Togo language. She was here to study Hebrew so she could translate the Old Testament. This was the first serious terrorist bombing in the city of Jerusalem since 2004.

Rockets have been fired into Beersheba and Ashkelon. Israel is promising to retaliate.

All these things that have been happening in Israel this week have been happening around the Feast of Purim.

All around us, the nations are raging. There are uprisings in Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia, Iran, and there is still trouble in Egypt. We received a report from our ETH in Egypt earlier this week asking for prayer. What initially meant to be a revolution for more freedom and democracy has turned into great persecution against the Christians.  Sharia law is a very possible reality when elections take place in September.  Our ETS Chris Mitchell, attended our prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at the House of Peace. He gave a report on his experience of being in Cairo when the demonstrations turned from peaceful to dangerous.  Our beloved, Keith Wheeler will be flying to Cairo on April 1st. From there, he plans to go by car to Alexandria and then begin walking with the cross westward towards Libya, please keep him in your prayers.

Pray for Doreen and myself as we fly to Berlin next Tuesday. The rest of our staff who stayed behind to really get the feel of life in Israel, Bill Devlin, Larry Groves, Betty Bazzle, and Grace McGonigle will be flying back to Arkansas next Tuesday also. Please remember them in your prayers as they travel.

God has placed His End-Time Handmaidens and Servants strategically around the world to serve Him. From being on the front-lines in Egypt, to being a light shining in Japan, walking the length and breadth of the Holy Land (as our tourists did), walking while carrying a Cross to Libya, or an intercessor in our prayer houses in Israel to those holding down the fort from our home base in Engeltal. Now is not a time to crawl and hide. It is a time to take your place in the Kingdom and stand strong in the power of His might.

I'll be ministering five days in Berlin, Germany - Wednesday, March 30th through Sunday, April 3rd. Pastor Andres Bauer and his wife Adelheid of Jerusalemgemeinde Berlin · Spreeufer 5 · 10178 Berlin. Call 0049-30-28389144 for directions or Revival is coming to Berlin.


From the House of Peace in Jerusalem,

Sister Gwen




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