The first five of Sister Gwen's books are published.
The following is a promotion vedio for "Pour Out You Heart."

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ETH-S》仍然會在St. Louis, MO 舉行一年一次的大會。 St. Louis 離開Kansas City 只要四個小時的車程,如果你們想在暑假期間來《國際禱告殿IHOP》,可以考慮以下去Sister Gwen 在St. Louis的大會。

我去年參加了第一次,不但大大地享受了聖靈的同在,而且還出乎意料地得到神對我個人的醫治。我最喜歡Sister Gwen的帶領是,她不把神放在框框裡頭,所以,聖靈可以自由行事。其中有一天,當她在臺上講到『聖者走進國度』的時候,旁白了一下,說﹕『。。。就像《When the Saints Go Marching In》那首歌,許多人以為那是一首爵士音樂,但是,事實上,它是一首靈歌。。。』然後,突然,大家就開始唱那首歌,大家有笑有唱,加上舞蹈,雖然許多都是上了年紀的人,但是一下子都成了父神面前的小孩子,Make joyful noises (中文聖經都翻譯得太保守了﹕『向耶和華歡樂,要發起大聲,歡呼歌頌。』事實上,那聲音都是因快樂而『自發』的,所以可能吵鬧,但是神非常喜悅﹗)並且幾百人一面唱,一面圍著會場開始繞圈子,仿彿約書亞帶著以色列人繞耶利歌城﹗

事後想起來,這其實是聖靈在做工,因為,去年的會場在靠近St. Louis 的拱門(Gate to the West旁邊,在我們的大會完了以後,我們發現,《共濟會Free Masonry》的分支《Job's Daughters》的大會也要在那裡舉行﹗--屬靈的爭戰的你來我往居然會如此密集﹗﹗也許,聖靈就是要讓我們先拆毀一些即將進入的敵人營壘,讓我們在會場以喜樂的歌聲先鋪下防禦的攻勢﹗

這個鏈接可以聽到有名的美國已故的Louis Armstrong的小喇叭和歌聲﹕




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我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰  《天使谷信函》2011年6月10日

蘿娜代筆 Rona for Sister Gwen:

「我還有末了的話、你們要靠著主、倚賴祂的大能大力,作剛強的人要穿戴神所賜的全副軍裝,就能抵擋魔鬼的詭計。因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰,乃是與那執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的、以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。[兩個“爭戰”原文都作“摔跤”]  所以要拿起神所賜的全副軍裝、好在磨難的日子、抵擋仇敵、並且成就了一切、還能站立得住。」--以弗所書6﹕10-13

這些日子﹐神常常用『 我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰 ……』這句話提醒我﹐儘管表面上看來許多事是出於血氣﹐但是要知道真正的戰場在哪裡﹐而那幕後的人又是誰。『爭戰的勝敗全在乎耶和華The battle is the Lord's』﹐但是﹐我們必須相信敵人已被征服﹐並且我們新的生命已在神的國度誕生﹐而那是敵人無法攻進的地方﹐存著這樣的態度﹐我們就能在靈裡得勝。撒旦的詭計是抓住我們的心思意念﹐教我們以為他真是能力高強﹐然後﹐我們就不去注視那已經得勝的主了。 




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(Rona for Sister Gwe)

Beloved Intercessors,

    "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power ofhis might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand"  Ephesians 6:10-13.

      "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood..." This portion of scripture has come to my mind over and over again this past week, as the Lord has impressed on me again where the battle lies and who is behind the things that happen seemingly through flesh and blood. The battle is the Lord's, but we are called to walk a supernatural walk of victory believing that the enemy is conquered and that we have been born into a Kingdom where he cannot enter. His strategy is to captivate our minds and our imaginations to get our focus on him, how strong he seems, and off the Lord of all glory, who won the victory.

          We are called to be the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its savor, the Bible says that it is only worthy of being cast out and trampled on. This is a true picture of what happens. We cannot afford not to remain constantly in the place of worship and high praises. We cannot afford to be complacent and passive in our relationship with the Lord especially in the days that we are living in because that is when we will be trampled underfoot by the enemy because we have no flavor or savor.

          Psalm 149 tells us that it is the high praises of God in our mouths and the two-edged sword in our hands that bind up the "kings of the God-defying nations" (The Message Bible). We, as Christ's representatives on earth, must penetrate from earth into the highest Heaven where God's Throne Room is and maintain an open Heaven. We also must release the Christ Who lives within us, Who is knocking on the door to release His Glory into the world through us!

          Ephesians 6:10 tells us to "be strong" or be strengthened in the Presence of His dominion and in the power with which we have been endowed. Then finally, when we have done all, to just "stand" or to abide, to confirm and establish (who He is in us).

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愛裡有預備 by Gwen Shaw

Love  摘自Love , the law of the angles 一書  第三章  愛裡有預備

譯:Rachel Taso




祂為祂所愛的建造新屋。祂在創造我們之前就愛我們了,就像新郎為新婦周詳完備的預備新房。祂並不是先創造了人,卻還沒有先為他預備住的地方。而是先為他創造了一個美麗的世界,地球。在裡面建了個園子叫伊甸,園子裡有河流經過,有繽紛的花朵給予色彩及香氣,美麗的樹木成為樹陰及鳥兒的住處,創造了動物成為人的朋友及幫助,鳥兒歌唱,魚兒玩水。你注意到水中多彩多姿的魚兒嗎? 神先造了一個討人喜悅的世界,才創造人,把人放在完美的世界裡,這不叫做愛嗎? 愛供應我們一切所需,這也是為甚麼,耶穌告訴我們:『不要憂慮吃甚麼、喝甚麼、穿甚麼。…你們需用的這一切東西,你們的天父是知道的。』(太6:31,32)創造世界時祂就在,祂知道供應的律。耶和華以勒,不也是祂的名字嗎?


如果天父精心地裝扮花草綠地,甚至連所羅門極其榮華的時候所穿戴的還不如花一朵。祂豈不也因愛我們,而為我們預備一切嗎? 但願人能體會祂是何等深愛我們,祂樂意供應我們一切所需。愛不但能創造,而且願意供應。

神說那人獨居不好,所以為他預備了配偶。神為挪亞預備了避難所,為撒拉預備墳墓,為以撒預備妻子,為約瑟預備宰相的位子,為摩西預備保母,為以色列預備拯救者,為曠野預備嗎哪,為約書亞預備不落日的一天,為基甸預備軍隊,為參孫預備能力,為大衛預備朋友,是的,祂為一切都有預備。為今天預備氣力,為明天預備盼望。我們真的可以說,主啊! 祢的信實,對我極其廣大!


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不要讓困難折殺你的夢  by Sister Gwen Shaw石桂林


(選自: 看哪﹗那做夢的來了﹗Behold, the Dreamer Cometh!)

譯: 金幼竹(Bambi Wright)

po-behold dreamer.jpg  光是得到一個夢是不夠的﹐你必須在你心裡保持那個夢的活力﹐每一天﹐每一晚﹐每一小時﹐每一個時刻都不中斷。絕對不要因為生活裡的陰霾和困難﹐灰心喪志﹐以至於放棄了那個夢終會實現的信心。




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(FROM: Behold, the Dreamer Cometh!  by Sister Gwen Shaw)   


It is not enough to receive a dream. One must keep that dream alive in one’s heart every day, every night, every hour, every moment. And one must never allow the darkness and the trials of life to cause such discouragement that one loses his faith in its final fulfillment.


Even though Joseph was thrown in the pit, and suffered as a slave, was thrown into prison, and tested to the extreme, he kept his vision in his heart. If he had ever, even for one moment, given up, he would never have seen it fulfilled. Joseph went as far down as any man can go, but he also rose to greater heights than any man ever has in positions of power and honour.


When Joseph was a youth he was anxious to tell others his dreams. But when he became mature, he was able to listen as others told him about their dreams. Great men and women take time to hear what others see and hear. Great men and women know that they do not know it all. Your brother and your sister may have a vision which they need to share. They may need encouragement. Don’t “roll over them” with your own vision when they are opening their hearts to you. Listen to them. It could be that you might learn something from them also.


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It’s Time for Change
by Gwen R. Shaw


      I was sitting at the kitchen table in our beautiful House of Peace in Jerusalem, conversing with some of my friends, talking about the Church in general. My soul was grieved at its spiritual condition worldwide. As I stood up to walk across the room to the piano I heard the Holy Spirit say loud and clear, “It’s time for change!”

      I felt that God was weary with our lack of love and our luke­warmness, and that He was going to have to shake up His Church. Many of the churches were in a spiritual rut. They had lost the Holy Ghost fire and zeal. Many of the churches were under the leadership of man, instead of the Holy Ghost. In my heart I suddenly knew that mighty things were going to take place, and everything would change!

      I felt that the Holy Spirit was saying to me, “You must prepare your heart for what is about to take place very shortly all over the world, and particularly among My people, the Church, that I love.” As I sat down at the piano to begin to play, the Holy Spirit gave me a new song:


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young Gwen  I was a Runaway  By Gwen Shaw

Furtively, I finished packing, listening for steps outside my bedroom door.  I was 17 years old, tall, slim, blue-eyed and had long blonde hair.  Boys passing me on the street would call out to me, “Hi, Blondie!”  I liked that.

When I knew no one was around, I dropped my suitcase out the window, then hid it in a ditch on our farm in the Niagara Falls peninsula, near St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada.

The next day I crept out of the house and headed for my suitcase.  It was a warm afternoon in early fall, 1941.  For a moment I wanted to look back.  Would I ever see my parents and two younger brothers again?  But, for the thousandth time, I deliberately hardened my heart.

It must have been the thousandth time, for I began to rebel against God when I was only seven.  I remember the incident.  I was sitting in the schoolhouse playing “Little Raindrops” on the organ.  Through the open door a playmate called with an ugly lilt, “Why don’t you play a hymn?”

I knew what she meant.  My religious parents were so strict, we couldn’t do many things that others did.  I hated being different!  So with energy far beyond my meager life span, I vowed right then, “I’m not going to follow God!  My parents can force me, but in my heart I’ll go my own way”’

With a secret scorn, I listened to family prayers.  In church I closed my heart.  By the time I was a teenager, everyone said, “That little Bergman girl is a hard one.” And I was proud of it!  Layer upon layer, I built up a hard shell around my heart.


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耶穌是誰?  by Gwen Shaw

譯: Rachel Tsao

Who is Jesus  


起初 神創造天地(太陽、月亮、星宿和一切花草樹木、鳥、魚、動物…等),這些都是 神造的,在這一切的創造中最美的就是人。 神先造了一個男人, 神看他太孤單了,就從他的肋旁為他造了一個女人來照顧陪伴他; 神稱男人為『亞當』,他的妻子為『夏娃』。

並為他們預備了一個美麗的家,就是伊甸園他們快樂幸福的住在這園中,住了多久我們不知道,但當他們順服 神、沒有犯罪以前是非常快樂的。


這園子裏 神另外栽了二棵特別的樹,二棵不屬於亞當夏娃而是屬 神的樹,神要亞當來照顧這些樹。一棵是生命樹,吃了這樹上的果子就會永遠不死;另一棵是分別善惡樹,吃了它的果子就能分辨善惡。身為丈夫的亞當負責看顧這園子,園中的一切蔬果都可以盡情享用;但唯有那棵分別善惡樹的果子, 神禁止他們吃,神告訴他說:「…不可喫,因為你喫的日子必定死」。

神就像我們的父母,不願意自己的孩子學習邪惡,或參與犯罪,所以禁止祂的孩子們吃這棵樹上的果子, 神不願亞當和夏娃失去他們美好的純真(清純、潔淨、聖潔屬神的性情)。


神在創造世界以前就預備了一個地方,天堂;在那裏有千千萬萬的天使,在 神面前服事、敬拜祂。又有天使長管理他們,有極完美的次序。


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