Beloved Intercessor, 

"And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken (Luke 21:24-26). 

       Jesus spoke these words while He was on earth. He was seeing the fall of Jerusalem that would take place in 70 A.D. He also saw the Diaspora, which came to an end when Israel became a nation again in 1948. Since the return of the Jews to their Homeland, the Times of the Gentiles began winding down. Since then there have been signs in the heavens, and distress of nations, and world-wide perplexity. Leaders don't know what to do. The man, who is king today, is a nobody tomorrow. The news media is unreliable. Liars sit in high places. Preachers aren't telling the people the truth. The birds are falling out of the sky by the thousands and fish are mysteriously dying by the millions-it's all brushed over; floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and nations in turmoil. Men in high places are "fiddling" while their "Rome" is burning. We have come to the end-times prophesied in the Bible. Jesus is coming "Right Now!" Set your house in order! Fast and pray for your lost loved ones, and family members.

            The enemy is no longer "over there". He is within our gate and he is daily taking stronger control. It's time to cry and travail. Egypt is walking the tight rope. There is no man in Egypt strong enough to face the foe. It reminds me of the day the deceived people cried, "Give us Barabbas!" Pray for the Christians there. The whole thing smells like a repeat of the French Revolution, and the guillotine. 

            Standing with you in prayer for world-wide revival.            Love and blessings.  


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永不離開公義之路  (摘自智慧的寶石 一月十三日)  by Gwen Shaw

中譯:Bambi Wright金幼竹

經文禱讀﹕箴言2﹕9-10 『你也必明白仁義﹐公平﹐正直﹐一切的善道。智慧必入你心﹐你的靈要以知識為美。』

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; (KJV)


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January 13

Never leave the pathway of equity, for that is the true way of righteousness

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 2:9-10

"Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.  When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul." (Proverbs 2:9-10)

It is only as you walk in paths of righteousness that you are protected from evil.  When you leave the path of righteousness your soul is immediately in peril, for any other path will lead to destruction and eternal damnation -- no matter how pleasant and right it appears to be.

But if you stay on the "hedged in" pathway you shall understand righteousness.  You shall know what is right and what is wrong. You shall have discernment to give a true and correct verdict.  You shall be able to judge every situation and every word that is taught by man.  

And you shall surely conduct your own life in equity and be straight and honest in all your dealings with yourself, with others and with Me. 

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January 12


My watchers will always protect you and prepare the way for your future.


Scripture Reading: Proverbs 2:8  

"He keeps the paths of judgment, and preserves the way of his saints." (Proverb 2:8)


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1月12 日



 我時時把守望者放在你要走的道路(但 4:13, 17)﹐沒有一條你所踏的途逕不在我的知識範圍。 



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 『永遠﹐永遠﹐永遠不要放棄﹗』-- 溫斯頓。丘吉爾

(by Gwen Shaw  中譯 :Bambi Wright金幼竹)


這句話是我的座右銘﹐當我在電腦前坐下來的時候﹐它就呈現在我面前。記得那時﹐我還是一個青少年﹐在加拿大﹐在二次世界大戰時﹐英國總理丘吉爾在英國遭受最激烈的攻擊的時候﹐說了這句簡短力有的話。當時﹐希特勒的軍隊(威馬喝蹋Wehrmacht)在歐洲吞噬了一個一個的國家。美國還沒有參與大戰﹐希特勒在1933年得勢之後﹐迅速地建立起雄厚的軍力﹐英國幾乎無法招架﹐那是一個幾近絕望的情景﹐唯一隔離英國和她的大敵的﹐只是一條英倫海峽﹐連對面的挪威都被德軍佔據了﹗只有丘吉爾那樣具有極大的信心和勇氣--同時也是為了那特別時刻而生的人﹐才能如此堅定的說出那句激發整個英國的話﹐他只用了短短的四個字﹕『永遠﹐永遠﹐永遠不要放棄﹗Never, never, never quit!』 

現在﹐我們又一次面對著黑暗--全世界都躺臥在邪惡的陰影之下(約翰一書5﹕19)。只是﹐今天我們的敵人不是在海峽『對面』﹐他就臥藏在我們的城門『裡頭』。他在我們的教育系統裡﹐在我們的媒體裡面﹐在我們政府所控制的法律裡面﹐在我們的軍事系統裡﹐在我們的教會﹐道德觀﹐時尚﹐娛樂﹐和我們自己的家庭裡面--連我們的良知都遭到了它的騷擾和玷污﹐也因此﹐過去的罪惡﹐今天不但成了正常態﹐而且還是『在政治裡的正確舉動politically correct』。我們整個國家變成了一個大污點﹐事實上﹐今天的我們和崩潰之前的羅馬帝國簡直是一模一樣﹗

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《末世使女-僕人的禱告書信》 * Sister Gwen 的由衷之言 * 

gwen show.jpg 


(by Gwen Shaw  中譯 :Bambi Wright金幼竹)



當耶穌說這些話的時候﹐他仍在地上﹐祂看到耶路撒冷將在西元七十年的時候被推垮﹐祂也看到﹐以色列的餘民(Diaspora)﹐將在1948年回到故土﹐重新建立他們的家國。自從以色列人回到他們的故土以後﹐外邦人的時間(the Times of the Gentiles) 就逐漸達到尾聲。在這段時期﹐天體顯示出異常的徵兆﹐國家與政體出現緊張的局勢﹐而整個世界也都經歷著混亂和焦慮。在領導地位的人常常不知所措﹐今天是國王﹐明天就成了無名小卒。絕大部份的媒體已經不值得信任﹐政府裡佔高位的人謊話連篇﹐宗教領袖也略過真理不談。幾千隻鳥從天空掉落﹐上萬條魚死在江河大海--這麼大的事件﹐居然沒有什麼人去探索﹔洪水﹐海嘯﹐地震和火山爆發相繼而來﹐許多國家都進入極其混亂的狀況﹐但是﹐那些執政掌權人的只顧在那裡『搔首弄姿』﹐完全不理會﹐他們的『羅馬帝國』已經在熊熊大火中焚燒。我們已經進入聖經裡預言的『末世』了﹐耶穌『現在』就要來了﹗把你家裡的秩序理好﹗你要為迷失的家人和所愛的親人﹐認真的禱告禁食。 

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